Go Deep Before You Go Wide

We believe that feeling good (and then even better than that!) begins by finding your way to yourself.   Listen inside. Find your balance first.  Then you can connect with other people.  Going deep before you go wide means:

Be yourself – You don’t need to try to be something you’re not, because being YOU is way better than that!
Be fully present –  Be authentic.  You’re not present if you’re not being real.  And being present is the only way to be fully alive. 
Appreciate yourself – what are your strengths and gifts? How can you “exercise” them?
Love yourself – Be kind to yourself.  (in your thoughts and in your actions).
Alignment – What helps you find your center?  What helps you feel balanced?
Set your own tone – Your past or even present circumstances don’t have to control your feelings.  You can choose how you want to feel and find the thoughts that support you.
Be a model – You teach what you do (not what you say). Be what you hope to teach. Do for yourself what you hope to do for others.

Hear Lotus‘ story of personal transformation: