Transformational Life Coaching utilizes the teachings of Kai Chi Do in a ten week program designed to make significant shifts in consciousness within the eight basic realms of the Wheel of Life, so that you can feel better and have more of what you want.
For most of us, one or more areas of our lives are not what we want them to be. Some aspect of our experience is unbalanced or unfulfilled – it could be work or money or a relationship or it could even be finding a sense of purpose – and our efforts to change this just seem to meet one obstacle after another.
Transformational Life Coaching will de-mystify your patterns and help you release beliefs that limit you and hold you back.
Your beliefs are filters through which you perceive and interact with the world. If they feel good to you and expand your opportunities, then they’re useful.
But if they feel bad, if they disconnect you from others, if they limit your income, if they hinder your creativity, if they constrict your world, then those beliefs are tyrants.
And you can change them.
You define your own possibilities. The meanings you make from your experiences can limit or expand your consciousness and your opportunities. The meanings you make determine how you feel, what you expect, and what choices you have. They determine what you see and what you attract into your life.
We invite you to regain your power to create the life you want.
Transformational Life Coaching is a structured 10 week program. You’ll meet with Charles Robinson by phone for one hour per week, for 10 weeks. In the course of the 10 weeks, you’ll explore each of the eight basic realms of the Wheel of Life: Spiritual, Life partner, Family, Friends, Money, Career, Leisure, and Health. Charles will guide and assist you, as you identify beliefs that have held you back, and redefine goals and beliefs that will serve you well and open up new possibilities in each of these areas. You can expect written and experiential assignments to do in preparation for phone sessions.
This is deeply personal, and sometimes intense, work, so it is offered only on a one-to-one basis. (Sorry, no group coaching for this program.) We also ask that you agree to complete the full 10 week course. This is an investment you make in your self, and we reserve the time to support you. We will, of course, schedule phone sessions at a time that is mutually convenient.
To sign up for the 10 week Transformational Life Coaching program with Charles Robinson:
Step 1: Complete the Coaching Agreement and Client Profile and fax these to us at 1-800-272-4311.
Step 2: CHOOSE ONE of the Paypal links below to pay for the coaching program.


Step 3: After you’ve completed Step 1 and Step 2, call Charles at 1-800-272-4311 to schedule your coaching sessions.
Blessings on your Journey!
Charles and Susan Robinson
Feel free to Contact Us if you have questions.