A few years ago, an engineer I was coaching told me, “The glass isn’t half full or half empty – It’s the wrong size container.” I love it. Some years ago I was getting some help the past few weeks from Ray Ortega, a web engineer. We were preparing to make a few upgrades to […]
Author: Susan Robinson
Resistance is futile
One thing that Kai Chi Do has taught me is that you can’t simultaneously hold onto resistance and allow Life Energy to flow. They can’t exist in the same space. They’re mutually incompatible – like trying to whistle and eat at the same time. If I go into a Kai Chi Do session with a […]
Integrative Sleep Meditation
Charles made this meditation just before bed a few nights ago. He was tired when he sat down to record, so he was naturally inspired to meditate on sleep! It’s very soothing and dreamy. The photo is from Jay Malone over at Flickr Creative Commons CC-BY 2.0. It reminded me of Shanti falling asleep. She […]
Conquering Boredom
Boredom is apparently one of the major reasons people don’t want to live forever. So says Jonathan Weiner, the author of the book Long for this World: The Strange Science of Immortality. He raised this issue in a fascinating interview he gave to National Public Radio. Weiner’s book is about physical immortality – and he’s […]
Solve problems like Einstein did
Albert Einstein said, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” He was a smart guy. How often do we “worry” our problems, rubbing them over and over with our mind like they were mental hangnails? Rubbing them until our emotions are raw? We keep looking at the problem […]